The most common mistake I see in clients with backpain…
Backpain is a pain Whilst it may be tempting to follow that statement up with a snappy or click-bait 'but it doesn't need to be' the fact is that for some people osseous structures [...]
Exercising through the ages
Since being on the 'other' side of 40 I have been getting asked for comment on the effects and importance of different forms of exercise as we age. (I'm taking that as being complementary [...]
Why I Ask Every Client to Walk More
Walking is, in my opinion, the most under rated form of exercise there is. I am well aware that there are a lot of trainers and influencers claiming its not 'proper' training and you have to [...]
The Anti Rotation Dead-bug
The underlying principle of core training is one of creating stability. We should be training our core to do two main tasks – protect the spine, and to transmit force between the upper body and [...]
Why mouth taping may not be doing what you think its doing (and might be doing the opposite)
Breathing and breath work has been having a bit of a moment in the health and fitness industry, and rightly so. However, there is a little bit more to it than simply taping one orifice [...]
45 Degree Hyperextension Workaround
The 45 degree hyperextension is one of my favourite accessory glute exercises. Working the glute group through hip extension, but with the legs anchored and the torso moving is actually getting the glutes to [...]
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