Why full body workouts win for everything from strength and cardio to mobility and body composition.
'Full body' and 'split' exercise routines are exactly as the names suggest: Full body workouts mean training as much of the whole body as can be reasonably managed in each workout, Â split workouts mean working [...]
See shoulders, think hips
Following on from this overview on rotator cuff function and what we can do about it, I felt it was worthwhile to talk about how important it is to always look and think big picture, [...]
Rotator Cuff 101
I was asked by Women's Health Magazine this week to answer a few questions about the rotator cuff, what it is, what it does, and how to protect it. Â As this is also one [...]
Interview with The Times – Squatting
This week I was interviewed by The Times to discuss one of the all time staples of many a gym routine, Â the squat... Article is out now in print and online - and my full [...]
Exercise Snacking
What is exercise ’snacking’? Exercise snacking is a technique I use with lots of my vip clients when schedules become too busy to accommodate their regular exercise program.  What we do is take the [...]
How to tone your legs…
So yes this absolutely is a clickbait title, and those who’ve been in the fitness industry a while are well aware that ’Toning’ is something of a nothing word – and that there is no [...]
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